Have you ever actually planted a seed from a piece of fruit that you ate? Well? We have! Last year, David thought it would be a fun idea to try to grow a Mango Tree in our living room. He Googled how to shuck the seed, what kind of soil and light it needed and he planted it in an old pot we had laying around. We spent about 8 weeks just staring at this pot of dirt; I didn't think it was possible to grow a Mango tree from a Mango seed that we got from a Mango at the grocery store. But low and behold -- we got a seedling.
Now, here we are. A year later and this is our Mango Tree. It's beautiful! It's leaves are the most outstanding shade of green and the way the light hits them in the morning is enough to make you crave a tropical beach. It hasn't gotten big enough to grow fruit (Obviously) but I'm excited at the journey we've taken with this little tree.
Wow! That's so neat!